Dear Mema,
The news around the bush this week is all about Dad...and him retiring. Now, let me say this, we both know the family isn't anywhere close (matching sweaters are SO out of the question), and may not be any time soon.I do want my Dad to know that I am proud of him- not for teaching me how to make spaghetti (although, I am a champ at making it!), but for doing everything,and I mean EVERYTHING he needed to do to serve the country. So, in that case of things, let me say how proud I am of you Dad, for staying strong for our country- even when things were hard and falling apart at home. For sacrificing Christmas, Easter and Birthdays of my brothers and I to serve and make sure that our country is safe for everyone. Even if I was upset (lots of tears, stomping, door slamming etc..), and never understood why you had to leave so often... I do now and I'm beyond thankful (still not talking about the spaghetti). So, thanks Dad and Congrats- you rock and if I were there, I'd so give you a geek stamp.
Love, emh
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