Friday, November 18, 2011

Hurry Turkey Day! Whattta ya waitin for?!

Dear Mema,
Don't worry, I'm alive! I've been swamped with work, and work, and work, and yes, work. After babysitting practically the whole town of Milton and volunteering in West Rehoboth, I can proudly say.. I've been around 35 kids at least... that have colds. Glad to say that the famous OJ has now became my water, I am lucky to have not caught anything that includes the sniffles! Which means I am ready, OH SO READY to visit all of you on Thanksgiving. Don't worry! I got the treats!
Love, emh

Monday, October 10, 2011

Crazy Days

Dear Mema,
Yes, this does say "insane at play".... why? Because that is my life right now! October is going by way to fast, and as we both know... I have a move coming up. Madame Boss Lady is leaving the cafe for a week and Chloe (Well, Charlie's a girl.. yeah health class taught me nothing!) is growing and no longer scared of water for punishment. She rather try to jump in the shower now a days. Great... right? On the bright side of things, if i was to see you during this H U G E move.. and by H U G E I mean the whole two blocks, that would mean I get to see you soon.. again! Have fun this weekend. Love, Love, Love you!
<3 emh

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Meet Charlie!

Dear Mema,
As I was heading up to the coffee shop today, I ran into a little something! After no one wanting to take him home, and being followed around by this kitten.. I decided to take him! This little something, I have named Charlie, or also known as Sir Charles. He's a very funny one... In his spare time he like to follow me around and meow until I pick him up and carry him around, chase his tail and run up and down my hallway. He also likes to cuddle to the point where he knocks his head strait into yours. My first bonding point with charlie was when I gave him a bath just in case of fleas when I brought him home. He did not agree with that situation and attacked the sink faucet at least ten times; however, he did enjoy the blow dryer after! Love, love, love you and have a safe trip!
Love, emh

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Dad

Dear Mema,
The news around the bush this week is all about Dad...and him retiring. Now, let me  say this, we both know the family isn't anywhere close (matching sweaters are SO out of the question), and may not be any time soon.I do want my Dad to know that I am proud of him- not for teaching me how to make spaghetti (although, I am a champ at making it!), but for doing everything,and I mean EVERYTHING he needed to do to serve the country. So, in that case of things, let me say how proud I am of you Dad, for staying strong for our country- even when things were hard and falling apart at home. For sacrificing Christmas, Easter and Birthdays of my brothers and I to serve and make sure that our country is safe for everyone. Even if I was upset (lots of tears, stomping, door slamming etc..), and never understood why you had to leave so often... I do now and I'm beyond thankful (still not talking about the spaghetti). So, thanks Dad and Congrats- you rock and if I were there, I'd so give you a geek stamp.
Love, emh

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What is up with this?

Dear Mema,
Are you ready for this hurricane? Everyone in Milton is starting to go nuts! Sand bags everywhere! Grandma has already told me, yes, told me.. how I have to come stay with her because if I don't, I won't make it. I kindly refused, but said if she needs anything, I'll be there. Not to mention, did you feel the earthquake? Boss lady and I were in the middle of a rush and everything started moving! Crazy! Well, be safe and be ready! After all, it is getting closer to 2012. Ha!
Love, emh

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Only in Milton

Dear Mema,
As "Riley" and I were walking back from dinner, we saw the most... out of all... most hilarious thing! This picture, taken by bodies (the gas station) contains the proof of an older lady that has toilet paper.... and lots of it... stuck in her pants! I don't know if she planned on saving some for later, or made an oops by leaving the whole roll in her pants. Finally, when she was told that she had a tail of cotton white dragging behind her, she quickly pulled it out and ran. Mema, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. Hope this makes your day- as it did mine.
Love, emh

Sunday, August 7, 2011

.... great.

Dear Mema,
As I was on my way to the beach last night, I kinda well.. got into an accident. Don't worry! I'm okay, and the license and insurance free driver is too.... awesome, right?  What happened was- when I went to turn into the turning lane, he slammed on his big metal truck breaks while going strait. There for, the passenger side of my beautiful red car is messed up. Thank goodness that I have a friend that does amazing jobs on body work! This does mean two weeks without a car and being stuck in the merry town of Milton. However, Grandma did claim that I can borrow her hot pink and blue bike. I just may find my way to the beach on that! Hope all is well. Love, love, love you!
Love, emh

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where the cool people are

Dear Mema,
This week has been so long, and so full of cruddy news. Our poor cook at the cafe today had to put up with me getting it all.. and I mean all out today. After being on the grumpy side, I decided that it would be best to squirt our cook, "Ernie" with water.... and I did. I pulled the old-fashion hole in a water bottle trick and soaked him down after a disagreement we had about pickles on a tuna sandwich. Ernie, completely surprised that I actually shot him all down his right side decided he was then going to throw me in the pond behind the full-of-laughter cafe. He swiped me up using only one arm (this is where being petite is a problem); luckily, it did not work, after all, I am alive! This is where I say how lucky I am that I have such a wonderful job. In a way, it has to do with my fascination of food, which I believe I get from you. After all, you did teach me a lot, so thank you!
Love, emh
(up above is a picture of a note that our regulars left us... have to love them!)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Friends, Family & Promises.

Dear Mema,
I just read this article that I really enjoyed. Listed in the magazine is Life Lessons. It states-
Rule #1- Act like a 9 year-old.... (ha,ha,ha check!)
Rule #2- Stop giving advice.........(in other words....... RUN!)
Rule#3- Keep your promises.......(common sense; what everyone should follow)
Rule#4-Be happy........................(check! check! check!)
I guess, in summary that I could say is that if you're friends, you should stay true blue. If you're family, it should only be  nothing but the truth. Now, I know we may not be the closest family, but I know we do our best... even if there's a mean, green bolder in the way! Love, Love, Love you!
Love, emh

Monday, July 11, 2011

Midwest.... after 3 years.

Dear Mema,
As I'm writting you this blog I am sitting in Wisconsin.... on Riley's couch! He was kind... or shall we say brave enough to take me back into the midwest. We drove out here on Friday evening in the corvette and stayed one night in some random town! You know me... in the car 5 min and I'm out. By the time we became un-lost and found Iola, Wisconsin it was late afternoon Saturday. We went to a car show where I picked out my new car! Riley didn't like that idea and said he'd refuse to even ride with me. Rude! Anyway, after becoming blind after seeing nothing but beer-aholic, white beader tanned rednecks, we decided to be on our way (lasted maybe a half-hour..) Since then,we've stayed at his lake house, and took me out on a boat where he even threatened to throw me off due to my wonderful swimming skills! Don't worry, he also claimed he'd come and save me if they didn't improve. Well, I fly back on the big bird (not the yellow one!) on wed afternoon just in time to see all of ya! Can't wait!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chicken Chasers.

Dear Mema,
You would never guess what I got considered today at the Cafe. A Chicken Chaser! Can you believe that? Now, I am very, very aware that Iowa is not the most populated place in the whole world... or in the Midwest, but still! I was shocked! The most best part of it.... it was a redneck delawarian that said it! Ya know, he talked like this... (redneck accent) and walked like this... That is the kind of man that called your granddaughter a Chicken Chaser today. However, I guess it didn't help that I was wearing cowboy boots today either!
Cluck, Cluck.
Love, emh

Monday, July 4, 2011

Corvette Birthday.

Dear Mema,
Boy, do I have a story for you! So on my birthday, I hung out with Riley, (renamed on my blog..) who also was the guy that took me mountain falling. Well, we went to Bethany, and it was beautiful... but... you'll never guess what he drove me around in as if I'm some worldly known princess. Yep, a '69 Stingray Corvette. Bow Chicka Wa Waa.. right? I wouldn't have mind taking my own car, but man, this was fun! Don't worry, he didn't drive too fast........ yeah. Then we went to the milkshake place where Pepop gets his classic mint-chocolate chip shake and it made me think of you guys and miss you so much! I sure am looking forward to seeing you soon!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy to have found my legs.

Dear Mema,
Have you ever been to Shenandoah Valley? Well, I went there about a week ago with a boy I've been seeing and have a thing for. He's an outdoor freak and rock climbs and hikes all over the world. Here I was thinking I was going to look like such a loser running up these trails of rocks and in "camping gear". I'm pretty sure, actually I know I did. Anyway, so here we are walking down a trail and I'm sounding like Squeaky, the broken toy off Toy Story that got put on the shelf (actually used my inhaler twice) and he decides we should run. So I'm thinking I got this, and I start running.... sliding/falling down the rocky path. I felt like Super Woman as I ran right past him and was so shocked! As I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill to catch my breath (squeaking like squeaky..) he came running and looked at me as if I was some Olympic runner and was very impressed. Little does he know, I wasn't running, I was falling... the whole way down. I couldn't of made a stop.. even if I tried! For once, Mema... I'm thankful. Thankful for being so petite, that I fall down mountains.