dear mema,
it's thanksgiving! i will be leaving here with my "red machine" load in an hour or so! so, here is my yearly thankful message! i'm ever so thankful for my coach rainboots, for they keep my toes dry! ............. just kidding, kinda! i'm especially thankful for my family. they've taught me so much about life, and have supported me greatly when it comes to allowing me to make my own decisions. i'm also very, very greatful for my friends, for they have became my family over these few years. i'm also thankful for chocolate, or else i'd go nuts! last, but not least, im thankful for all my "teachers" that have taken me under their wing to teach me the roots of baking, the fabulous about life and the reward of standing firm. so, mema, i will see you soon, with the gang and all!
p.s. yes, this picture has nothing to do with the blog. i'm just so excited to see you, that i posted a nice sunny happy day.... even though it's freezing outside!